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Air pollution and its relations to climate change and sustainable development  - 

Linking immediate needs with long term challenges

"Saltsjöbaden 3"

12-14 March 2007, Gothenburg, Sweden

Workshop report

>> Download the final conclusions from the workshop (pdf)

>> Download the Participants List (pdf)

Presentations (Plenary Sessions)

European perspectives on air pollution needs in relation to climate change. Matti Vainio, European Commission

California's Air Pollution and Climate Change Policies. Bart Croes, Chief, Research Division, California Air Resources Board

Multi-pollutant Power Plant Regulations in Massachusetts and the Impacts for Climate Change Policy. Nancy Seidman, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

East Asian perspective on regional air pollution and its policies. Surendra Shestra UNEP

Coherent climate change and energy policies in northern hemisphere - we need to know the implications to air pollution. Tomas van Ierland, European Commission

Linkages between air pollution and climate: an atmospheric sciences perspective. Frank Raes, ACCENT,  JRC, Ispra Italy

Air pollution effects in a changing climate. David Fowler, CEH, United Kingdom

Expanding regional air pollution policies. Martin Williams, DEFRA, United Kingdom

Integrated Assessment modelling - future challenges. Markus Amann, IIASA, Austria

Nitrogen - Can an integrated approach be hosted under the CLRTAP? Jan Willem Erisman, ECN, Netherlands

>>Download the presentations made in the working groups.


Working group conclusions

1. Combined strategies to control climate change and air pollution (updated)

2. Climate change and air pollution - A long term perspective

3. Future development of the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution

4. Air pollution effects on ecosystems and health in a changing climate

5. Nitrogen - integrated environmental policies

 6. Sector approaches in air pollution control - 1 Stationary sources, in particular energy production 

7. Sector approaches in air pollution control - 2 Transport, with special emphasis on shipping and air traffic

8. Air pollution policies in the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA Countries)


>>Download backgrond information and presentations made in the working groups.




If you have any questions please contact Jenny Arnell