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sub- programme C1 Alveteg, M. and Warfvinge, P. 2000. 1st Workshop on dynamic modelling of recovery, Ystad. Decision May 2000. Workshop report submitted to WGE under CLRTAP. C2 Lokke, H., Bobbink, R., Bull, K., Curtis, C., Falkengren-Grerup, U., Forsius, M., Gundersen, P., Hornung, M., Skjelkvale, B. L., Starr, M. and Tybirk, K. 2000. Critical Loads Copenhagen 1999. 21-25 November 1999. Conference Report prepared by the members of the conference's secretariat, the scientific committee and chairmen and rapporteurs of its workshops in consultation with the UN/ECE secretariat. Critical Loads. National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 1-48. - Arbejdsrapport fra DMU No. 121. C3 Danielsson, H., Pleijel, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., P. E. Karlsson and Skärby, L. 1999. A comparison of different ozone exposure indices to explain observed visible injury and biomass loss in Trifolium subterraneum and T. repens. . In: Critical Levels for Ozone - Level II. SAEFL Environmental Documantation No. 115, pp 219-222. Workshop, Gerzensee, Switzerland, 11-15 April 1999. C3 Karlsson, P. E., Wallin, G., Selldén, G., Ottosson, S., Medin, E. L., Pleijel, H. and Skärby, L. 1999. Impact of ozone, drought stress and phosphorous deficiency on the growth of Norway spruce samplings. In: Critical Levels for Ozone - Level II. SAEFL Environmental Documantation No. 115, pp 67-73. Workshop, Gerzensee, Switzerland, 11-15 April 1999. C3 Pleijel, H., Danielsson, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., Gelang, J., Karlsson, P. E. and Selldén, G. 1999. An ozone flux-response relationship for cereals. In: Critical Levels for Ozone - Level II. SAEFL Environmental Documantation No. 115, pp 95-99. Worskshop, Gerzensee, Switzerland, 11-15 April 1999. C3 Wallin, G. and Karlsson, P. E. 1999. Problems and approaches for up-scaling of ozone effects on trees. In: Critical Levels for Ozone - Level II. SAEFL Environmental Documantation No. 115, pp ??-??. Workshop, Gerzensee, Switzerland, 11-15 April 1999. C4 Tunved, P., Kristensson, A., Swietlicki, E. and Hansson, H-C. 2001. Atmospheric Aerosols - Sources and Dispersion: Studies of the Nordic Aerosol, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 3, 2001, 26th General Assembly, in press. C4 Pagels, J., Strand, M., Lillieblad, L., Sanati, M., Swietlicki, E., Gudmundsson, A. and Bohgard, M. 2000. Characterisation of Submicrometer Particle Emissions from three commercially operated medium sized biomass fired boilers. Proceedings of the Annual AAAR Conference, St Louis 6-10 Nov 2000. C4 Kristensson, A., Johansson, C., Swietlicki, E., Zhou, J., Westerholm, R., Wideqvist, U. and Vesely, V. 2000. Traffic source characterisation using factor analysis of the gas- and particle phase measured in a road tunnel. Proceedings of the EUROTRAC Symposium, Garmisch-Partenkichen, 27-31 March 2000. C4 Kristensson, A., Johansson, C., Swietlicki, E., Westerholm, R., Wideqvist, U., Vesely, V., Zhou, J. and Papaspiropoulos, G. 2001. Traffic emission estimation of gaseous and particulate matter measured in a road tunnel. Proceedings of the 3rd Urban Air Quality Conference, March 2001, Loutraki, Greece. C4 Rissler, J., Swietlicki, E., Zhou, J., Pagels, J., Gudmundsson, A., Szpila, A., Bohgard, M., Strand M. and Sanati, M. 2001. Hygroscopic properties of aerosol particles emitted from a 1MW biomass combustion unit. Proceedings of the European Aerosol Conference 3-7 Sept. 2001, Leipzig, Germany. C4 Pagels, J., Strand M., Gudmundsson, A., Szpila, A., E. Swietlicki, M. Sanati, and M. Bohgard, "Characterisation of particle emissions from a commercially operated 1 MW biomass fired boiler". Proceedings of the European Aerosol Conference 3-7 Sept. 2001, Leipzig, Germany. C4 Strand M., A. Szpila, A. Gudmundsson, Swietlicki, E., Sanati, M. and Bohgard, M. 2001. Characterisation of flue gas particles and particle separation efficiency in two commercially operated biomass fired boilers. Proceedings of the Annual AAAR Conference, Portland,15-19 Oct. 2001. C4 Lillieblad, L., Strand M., Pagels, J., Szpila, A., Swietlicki, E., Sanati, M. and Boghard, M. 2001. Investigation of aerosolformation and cleaning efficiency in commercially operated biomass fired boilers. Proceedings of the IEA Biomass seminar in Zürich, 27 June 2001. C4 Rissler, J., Swietlicki, E., Zhou, J., Pagels, J., Gudmundsson, A., Szpila, A., Bohgard, M., Strand M. and Sanati, M. 2001. Hygroscopic properties of aerosol particles emitted from a 1 MW biomass combustion unit. Proceedings of the NOSA Aerosol Symposium 2001, Lund 8-9 Nov. 2001. C4 Szpila, A., Pagels, J., Strand, M., Gudmundsson, A., Lillieblad, L., Bohgard, M., Swietlicki, E. and Sanati, M. 2001. Particle emissions from biomass combustion in 1 and 6 MW boilers. Proceedings of the NOSA Aerosol Symposium 2001, Lund 8-9 Nov. 2001. C4 McFiggans, G., Coe, H., Bower, K.N., Choularton, T.W., Zhou, J., Swietlicki, E., Birmili, W., Wiedensohler, A. and Putaud, J-P. 2001. Aerosol processing in polluted plumes - Inferences based on field data reanalysis". Proceedings of the NOSA Aerosol Symposium 2001, Lund 8-9 Nov. 2001. C4 Tunved, P., Kristensson, A., Swietlicki, E. and Hansson, H.-C. 2001. Atmospheric aerosols -sources and dispersion: studies of the Nordic aerosol. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 3, 2001 C4 Tunved, P., Karlsson, H. and Hansson, H.-C. 2001. One-year aerosol size distribution data in relation to air-mass origin at Aspvreten (58? 8'N, 17? 4'E). Proceedings of the NOSA Aerosol Symposium 2001, Lund 8-9 Nov. 2001. C4 Hansson, H.-C., Areskoug, H., Johansson, C. and Forsberg, B. 2001. Is PM2.5 a good indicator to reach good air quality?. Proceedings of the NOSA Aerosol Symposium 2001, Lund 8-9 Nov. 2001. C4 Hansson, H.-C. 2001. Partiklar i omgivningsluften och miljömålen. VTI's workshop om Transportrelaterad miljökvalitet, Hasselbacken den 10-11/9 2001. C4 Tullin, C., Johansson, L., Wrande, I. and Hansson, H.-C. 2001. Overview of Projects on Aerosols from Biomass Combustion in Sweden. IEA Seminar on Aerosols from Biomass Combustion at ETH, june 2001. C4 Hansson, H.-C. 2001. Medición de material particulado en el airo ambiente/Measuring particle mass in ambient air. Jornadas sobre material particulado/Workshop on particulate matter. Madrid, 31 de Enero a 2 de Febrero de 2001 organized by the MINISTERIO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE and the European Commision. C4 Hansson, H.-C. 2001. Partiklar och vedeldning. Partiklar i utomhusluften-en ny miljökvalitetsnorm, 8/10 2001, Naturvårdsverket, Stockholm C5 Kindbom, K and Lindskog, A. 1999. Trends in ozone? In: Lindskog, A. (Ed): Proceedings of the Third Workshop at the Professional Training and Conference Centre of the National Bank of Greece, Athens, Greece 19-21 September 1999, pp 6-10. C5 Lindskog, A., Kindbom, K. and Solberg, S. 1999. Ozone Seasonal Cycles at two Swedish sites. In: Lindskog (Subproject coordinator): TOR-2 Tropospheric Ozone Research |
Annual Report 1999 (pdf) |
Report 2000 (pdf)
Annual Report 2001 (pdf) |
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