

Peer reviewed scientific publications

Doctoral Thesis

ASTA sub-

A1 Grennfelt, P. et al. 2001. Critical loads - is there a need for a new concept? Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 1, 21-27.

B Lidskog, R. 1999. "Mot en gränslös demokrati. Politiska responser på globala miljöhot" (Towards an unbounded democracy? Political responses to global environmental threat), Sociologisk Forskning 36(4), 40-75.

B Lidskog, R. and Elander, I. 1999. Demokrati, ekologi och kunskap. Statsvetenskapliga responser på miljöproblematiken. (Democracy, ecology and knowledge. Political science responses to the environmental challenge), forthcoming in Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 102(4), 353-377.

B Lidskog, R. and Sundqvist, G. 2002. The Role of Science in Environmental Regimes: The Case of LRTAP. European Journal of International Relations 8(1) in press.

B Sundqvist, G., Letell, M. and Lidskog, R. 2002. Science and Policy in Air Pollution Abatement Strategies. Environmental Science & Policy, accepted.

C1 Moldan, F., Wright, R. F., Löfgren, S., Forsius, M., Ruoho-Airola, T. and Skjelkvåle, B.L. (2001) Long-term changes in acidification and recovery at nine calibrated catchments in Norway, Sweden and Finland. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 5(3), 339-349.

C1 Beier, C., Moldan, F. and Wright, R. F. (submitted) Terrestrial ecosystem recovery - Modelling the effects of reduced acidic inputs and increased inputs of sea-salts induced by global change.

C1 Kram, P., Laudon, H., Bishop, K.H., Rapp L. and Hruska, J. (2001) MAGIC modeling of long-term lake water and soil chemistry at Abborrtrasket, Northern Sweden. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 130:1301-1306.

C1 Krám, P., Bishop, K.H. and Moldan, F. (2001). Modeling Long-term Streamwater Chemistry in the Berg Catchment, Southwestern Sweden. Nordic Hydrology 32: 249-264.

C1 Krám, P., Bishop, K.H., Moldan, F. and S. Kohler. (2000). Modeling long-term streamwater and soil chemistry using a decade of data from one of Sweden's intensively monitored small catchments in Halland. Nordic Hydrological Programme Report No. 46. Uppsala, Swedish Hydrological Council: 126-133.

C1 Alveteg, M. and Sverdrup, H. (eds) 2002 Manual for regional assessments using the SAFE model. To be published as Reports in Ecology and Environmental Engineering 2002:1

C2 Dahlman, L., Näsholm, T., and Palmkvist, K. 0000. Growth, nitrogen uptake and resource allocation in the two tripartite lichens species Nephroma arcticum (L.) Torss. and Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Wild during nitrogen stress. New Phytologist, accepted

C2 Diekmann, M. and Falkengren-Grerup, U. 2001. Prediction of species response to atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Journal of Ecology (in press).

C2 Månsson, K. F. and Falkengren-Grerup, U. Increased soil microbial activity and organic matter quality in oak forests exposed to nitrogen deposition. 0000. (submitted).

C2 Olsson, M. O., Falkengren-Grerup, U., Michelsen, A., Sleep, D. and Quarmby, C. Assessing forbs' preference for nitrate by measurement of plant natural abundance of 15N and soil N mineralisation. 0000. (submitted).

C2 Olsson, M. O. and Falkengren-Grerup, U. Partitioning of nitrate uptake between trees and understorey in oak forests 0000. (submitted).

C2 Lipson, D. and Näsholm, T. 2001. The unexpected versatility of plants: Organic Nitrogen Use and Availability in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Commisioned review. Oecologia 128, 305-316.

C2 Näsholm, T. and Persson, J. 2001. Organic nitrogen acquisition by Boreal forest plants. Commisioned review, Physiologia Plantarum 111, 419-426.

C2 Persson, J. and Näsholm, T. 2000. Amino acid uptake, a widespread capacity among boreal forest plants. Ecology Letters in press.

C2 Persson, J. and Näsholm, T. 2001. A method for analysis of plant amino acid uptake through GC-MS of dual labeled compounds. Physiologia Plantarum, accepted

C2 Strengbom, J., Nordin, A., Näsholm, T. and Ericson, L. 2001. Slow recovery of Boreal forest ecosystem following decreased nitrogen input. Functional Ecology 15, 451-457.

C2 Strengbom, J., Nordin, A., Näsholm, T. and Ericson, L. 0000. Parasitic fungus mediates vegetational changes in nitrogen exposed boreal forest. Journal of Ecology, in press.

C2 Strengbom, J., Näsholm, T. and Ericson, L. 0000. Light, not nitrogen, triggers expansion of the grass Deschampsia flexuosa in boreal forests. Manuscript ready for submission.

C2 Sundberg, B., Näsholm, T. and Palmquist, K. 2001. Effects of nitrogen on partitioning of biomass between algal and fungal bionts in the lichens Nephroma arcticum and Peltigera aphtosa. Plant Cell & Environment 24, 517-527

C2 Witzel, J., Gref, R. and Näsholm, T. Plant -part specific and temporal variation in phenolic compounds of boreal forest plants. Submitted manuscript.

C2 Öhlund, J. and Näsholm, T. 2001. Growth of conifer seedlings on organic and inorganic nitrogen sources. Tree Physiology. 21, 1319-1326.

C3 Danielsson, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., Karlsson, P. E. and Pleijel, H. Ozone uptake modelling and flux-response relationships - assessments of ozone-induced yield loss in spring wheat. Submitted to the Science of the Total Environment.

C3 Gelang, J., Pleijel, H., Sild, E., Danielsson, H., Younis, S. and Selldén, G. 2000. Rate and duration of grain filling in relation to flag leaf senescence and grain yield in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) exposed to different concentrations of ozone. Physiologia Plantarum 110, 366-375.

C3 Karlsson, P. E., Pleijel, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., Medin, E. L. Skärby, L. 2000. Simulations of stomatal conductance and ozone uptake to Norway spruce saplings in open-top chambers. Environmental Pollution 109, 443-451.

C3 Karlsson, P. E., Medin, E. L., Selldén, G., Wallin, G., Ottosson, S., Pleijel, H. and Skärby, L. Impact of ozone and reduced water supply on the biomass accumulation of Norway Spruce saplings. Accepted for publication in Environmental Pollution (condition: revision).

C3 Persson, K., Danielsson, H., Selldén, G. and Pleijel, H. The effects of tropospheric ozone and elevated carbon dioxide on potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) growth and yield. Submitted to the Science of the Total Environment.

C3 Pihl Karlsson, G., Karlsson, P. E., Danielsson, H. and Pleijel, H. Clover as a tool for bioindication of phytotoxic ozone - 5 years of experience from Southern Sweden - consequences for the short-term critical level. Submitted to the Science of the Total Environment.

C3 Pleijel, H., Danielsson, H., Karlsson, G. P., Gelang, J., Karlsson, P. E. and Selldén, G. 2000. An ozone flux-response relationship for wheat. Environmental Pollution 109, 453-462.

C3 Pleijel, H., Danielsson, H., Vandermeiren, K., Blum, C., Colls, J. and Ojanperä, K. Stomatal conductance and ozone exposure in relation to potato tuber yield - results from the European CHIP programme. Submitted to European Journal of Agronomy.

C3 Soja, G., Barnes, J. D., Posch, M., Vandermeiren, K., Pleijel, H. and Mills, G. 2000. Phenological weighting of ozone exposures in the calculation of critical levels for wheat, bean and plantain. Environmental Pollution 109, 517-524.

C4 Mårtensson, E.M., Nilsson, E.D., de Leeuw, G., Cohen, L.H., Hansson, H.-C. Laboratory simulations of the primary marine aerosol generated by bubble bursting. Submitted to JGR.

C4 K. Hämeri, M. Väkevä, P.P. Aalto, M. Kulmala, E. Swielicki , J. Zhou, W. Seidl, E. Becker, C.D. O'Dowd. 2001. Hygroscopic and CCN properties of aerosol particles in boreal forests. Tellus 53B 359 - 379.

C4 Janson, R., Rosman, K., Karlsson, A. and Hansson, H.-C. 2001. Biogenic emissions and gaseous precoursors to forest aerosols. Tellus 53B, 423-440.

C4 Nilsson, D. et al. Regional scale meteorological circulation determine new particle formation. Manuscript for publication in Tellus.

C4 Martinsson, B.G., Karlsson, M.N.A. and Frank, G. 2001. Methodology to estimate the transfer function of individual differential mobility analysers, Aerosol Science and Technology 35, 815-823.


Annual Report 1999 (pdf)

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Annual Report 2001

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