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Subprogram A: Integrated Assessment Modelling  
International Centre for Evaluation and Assessment  
The goal is to evaluate and assess the overall achievements and needs for the future development of international abatement strategies. The ASTA Centre for evaluation and assessment is forming its activities in close collaboration with the ASTA board. The secretariat is located at The Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

The work is mainly directed towards the support of  international negotiations on air pollution and the topics of the research within ASTA. A close collaboration is established with the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Ongoing and planned activities are:

· The recovery of forest soils and ecosystems in Europe - the perspective of present protocols and directives. Assessment reports and workshops.

· Use of integrated assessment modelling with respect to Swedish national control measures and evaluation of the outcome of present control measures in Europe in terms of environmental quality.

· Evaluation of data for critical levels for ozone level 2 and the organisation of a workshop in November 2002.

· Robustness and uncertainties of the tools and results supporting international assessment modelling and a workshop on emission data quality and validation

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IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute