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Subprogram A: Integrated Assessment Modelling  
Integrated Assessment Modelling  
The goal is to develop model tools for dynamic aspects of environmental effects and for the analysis of benefits of the outcome of emission reductions in Europe and especially to develop improved model descriptions of environmental effects associated with transboundary air pollution. The project will focus on the inclusion of dynamic aspects in the future integrated assessment models (IAM) and on the linkage from IAM to assessment of benefits of control measures.

The long-term objective is to develop model tools for environmental effects such as acidification of soils and waters, eutrophication of terrestrial ecosystems and ozone effects to crops and forests. In addition, the tools should also be capable of handling possible climate changes in terms of increased temperatures and changed precipitation patterns. The priority of the work is studies of:

· Model tools describing dynamic effects of acid deposition on forest soils, surface water chemistry and fish survival.

· A coupled sulphur, nitrogen and coal model as a tool for describing dynamic effects of deposition and climate on forest growth and soil processes.

· The possibilities to develop an integrated model describing effects of chemistry, nitrogen, temperature, moisture and competitive aspects of ground vegetation biodiversity.

Harald Sverdrup
Lund University